how does Invisalign treatment work?

These 3 easy steps can put you on the path to your brand-new smile.

invis is guiding you along your treatment journey.

Request an appointment

meet with your Invisalign provider and start discussing your new smile

if your Invisalign provider uses an iTero scanner or Invisalign SmileView simulator1, you can take a sneak peek at what your smile could look like with straighter teeth

invis is letting you visualise your new smile

see if Invisalign treatment is right for you

Take the free smile assessment

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start transforming your smile right from your first fitting

at your Invisalign appointments your doctor will ensure your aligners fit well, answer your questions, and let you know what to expect.

start wearing your aligners

start wearing your aligners

when you pick up you first Invisalign custom aligners, your doctor will examine your smile, ensuring your aligners fit correctly

regular doctor check-ins

regular doctor check-ins

you'll likely schedule face-to-face check-ups every 6-8 weeks2 to check your progress and pick up the next batch of your Invisalign clear aligners

your routine, uninterrupted

your routine, uninterrupted

your Invisalign aligners are virtually invisible and easy to take out, so you can keep brushing and eating as you normally would

how long will Invisalign treatment take?

Some Invisalign treatments can be completed in as little as 4 months, but depending on the complexity of your case your Invisalign treatment could take longer, with treatment times often ranging between 12 and 18 months. 

want to learn more about getting Invisalign treatment?

our smile concierge team is ready to connect you with an Invisalign-trained provider.

invis is getting help at every step.


keep your brand-new smile

lasting results with our Vivera retainer

you transformed your smile with Invisalign's clear aligner system. Vivera retainers will help you keep the smile you love.

our Vivera retainers are custom made and strong enough to keep your teeth in their final position.
Ask your doctor about receiving Vivera retainers once you have completed your Invisalign treatment

invis is keeping your “after” photo great

[NZ] How-invis-works-step3

your new smile is around the corner!

ready to get started?

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frequently asked questions

Can I go to any dentist or orthodontist for Invisalign treatment?

how is Invisalign treatment different than other teeth straightening options?

are there any restrictions on what i can eat while in Invisalign treatment?
